
Creates device-aliases on Cisco SAN fabric for initiators and optionally targets missing a device-alias assignment.

Command line help for this cmdlet is available by executing the following.

Get-Help Set-VeDeviceAlias -full

Establishes a SSH session with the specified Cisco MDS FC switch and sets a device-alias name for initiators and optionally targets without a device-alias.

For physical ports NOT in a zone, the new device-alias name is formed using the first node value in the switch's port description field following by switch name and port location.

Example: bowWinServer_mdsbow01_0939

For virtual ports (NPIV), the device-alias name will be the same as the zone name that it is a member of.

The SAN Fabric folder contains a set of flogi csv files which are used for assessing which interfaces are missing a device-alias assignment. A SAN Fabric folder named, [execution folder]\SWInfo-[org]\[fabricname] will be searched for flogi csv files. The naming convention for the flogi csv files is: [switchID]_flogi.csv.

A Cisco command file is created in the SAN Fabric folder containing a device-alias commands for each interface missing a device-alias. The command file naming convention is [switch name]_Alias.cmd.

All SAN Fabric related files are contained in the specific SAN Fabric folder. Each SAN Fabric folder contains a sub-folder named, Archive for historical tracking of changes.


In the module directory 'local', is some code called Start-WeeklyUpdates.ps1. This is an example of the order of execution as well as a way to batch processs all of the cmdlets together.

The typical workflow is to execute the following sequence of cmdlets on schedule that is appropriate.

Set-VeDeviceAlias -FabricName SOS_Fabric_A

If any WWNs are missing a device-alias, one or more [switch name]_Alias.cmd will be created in the SAN Fabric folder. Review the alias command file to ensure the device-alias names are desired.

Apply the device-aliases to the SAN Fabric.

Set-VeDeviceAlias -FabricName SOS_Fabric_A -apply

The alias command in each of the cmd files is then executed and the command files are moved to the archive folder.

Update-VeFlogi -FabricName SOS_Fabric_A